Deska Kusuma W. Widodo

I’m Graphic Designer
Digital Artist & Photographer

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Graphic Designer and Digital Creative Director, specialized in Branding, Digital designs, Photography, Videography and Social Media Analyst.

Web Design

Mempunyai pengalaman dari tahun 2007. memiliki pengalaman membuat & mengelola web sedari bangku SMK di jurusan Teknik Komputer & Jaringan.
Saat di bangku perkuliahan menjadi asdos 4tahun di mata kuliah Web Desain. Saat masih kuliah sudah aktif menerima jasa pembuatan web dari costum web & cms web, hingga masuk ke ranah karir profesional di salah 1 advertising besar ibukota

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Sedari kecil sangat hobi sekali menggambar & membuat illustrasi. Sarjana Desain Komunikasi Visual.  S.Ds dengan pengalaman kurang lebih 7 tahun di bidang ilustrasi, menggambar, digital painting, & digital artist.

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memiliki pengalaman Branding sedari dari bangku perkuliahan di Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) tahun 2010. Pengalaman bekerja profesional dari tahun 2014 di berbagai Advertising Ibukota

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memiliki pengalaman mengelola iklan dan media sosial sejak duduk di bangku perkuliahan. Ketika sarjana, telah memiliki pengalaman profesional 5 tahun di bidang Marketing, dengan berkolaborasi bersama berbagai start-up di Jakarta selama 4 tahun. Disela-sela kesibukan, hobi membuat konten dan berhasil menghasilkan passive income dari mengelola jasa Digital Marketing.

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Digital Marketing Analyst,

Besides being a Creative Designer. I focus on digital marketing, analyzing social media algorithms. Then create a detailed graph of social media handling reports for the needs of many businesses. Starting from small to large businesses.

Creative Designer,
Nucleus Branding & Communication

Working in one of the largest Advertising Companies, Kelapa Gading Jakarta. My job is to lead the design team, design & represent visual concept ideas for the benefit of digital marketing clients in many fields. Mapping social media algorithms for marketing purposes using organic & non-organic.

Photographer & Graphic Designer,
Creative Wastra.

I set up a photography business & photo studio in Tangerang. Besides being a Graphic Designer, I am in charge of controlling the entire process of photo production & editing at creativewastra.

Digital Artist, & Photographer
Veselka Photology

In addition to being a Graphic Designer in Veselka, I am also a Commercial Photographer & Digital Artist.

Graphic Designer & Web Developer,
Alpharian Inc.

Apart from being a graphic designer & web admin at alpharian, I will also be an event planner & coordinator of the alpharian photographer community in the Jabodetabek area. As well as managing Alpharian's social media.

I’m using top leading design methods in my work.

The percentage of ability that stands out the most in my passion & talent

Graphic Design
Photography & Videography

Professional awards and honors I've reached.

Fowl be so, under sea land, tree fruitful. Man don’t
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Honorable mension
Websites, Corporate Communications.
Site of the day
Advertising, Media & PR, Brand Strategy.
Innovative ideas
Webby Winner, People’s Voice Winner.
* Video inauguration “Best Design” in Italy.
Watch video


Day shall form years which rule made first, make a our night life herb midst isn't fish give lights land morning lesser. Said cattle. Green us fish rule third dry his for. Created signs under.
Damien O'Ryan
Mountain Inc
Day shall form years which rule made first, make a our night life herb midst isn't fish give lights land morning lesser. Said cattle. Green us fish rule third dry his for. Created signs under.
Kien Hester
CEO Vintage
Day shall form years which rule made first, make a our night life herb midst isn't fish give lights land morning lesser. Said cattle. Green us fish rule third dry his for. Created signs under.
Chanelle Reed
Woody Nature


You’ll called for yielding male, so lights
Stars abundantly, is their.
I am always looking for great collaborators. Let’s message me and make something together!